Thoughts are powerful things, they can bring blessings. I have some tomato plants upstairs in my daughters old bedroom and I can tell you that if I don’t visit them every day, they wilt, count on it. Somehow they know I have forgotten about them, doesn’t matter if they are well watered, if I forget them they wilt. I got a new car a couple months ago, my old Toyota sat alone in the drive way not driven, no attention, should I be surprised that I had to drive it for about 30 minutes before it became itself again and ran as it should.

The verses on the letter Samech in the 119 Psalm start with the word thoughts, that letter is a force to be reckoned with and in a Hebrew dictionary you will see whirlwind or tempest right by the word thoughts and both start with a Samech. Hmmmmm

“SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.”

Pslams 119:113

What better thoughts could we have than scripture, thus the idea of attaching scripture to our cars to help us get rid of the vain thoughts and get God’s perspective…

So call in today 866-348-7884 – answer a few questions about your car and we will get it named and dedicated and send you a certificate.