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How to Find a Good Mechanic

One of my most asked questions as the Christian Car Guy is: How do I find a good trustworthy mechanic?… Here are a couple ideas I like to share.
#1 Prayer:
Don’t wait till something blows up before you pray. God, being not unlike a good earthly father, loves to hear from you and wants to help. One of the best ideas I have ever heard was to share this prayer request with your Sunday School Class. Not only do you get the whole class agreeing with you and God that you need a good  Dealership/ Mechanic or Shop to work with, but many times the Lord will lay it on the heart of one of the members who that Dealership/Mechanic or Shop should be and they come and share it with you.


#2 Ask A Parts Person:
Parts people see the results of a good mechanic or a bad one because they see the parts they return and can tell whether they’re guessing or not. Great mechanics are known to parts counter people like the nurses know a great surgeon, (nurse I need six cc’s of methyl triglyceride Stat!!) no question they know what they are doing, so just like the nurses know the great doctors, parts people know the great mechanics. So go to the dealership parts or local parts store and ask who has been on the parts counter the longest, then ask him or her who is the best mechanic on the type of vehicle you have. A great diesel mechanic is not usually also the best on small cars. Dealerships tend to have the best talent because they provide the best training, benefits and the most money. I’m telling you how to get the best not the cheapest. Training is a big factor because, “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance”
The same strategy works for finding an independent mechanic. Go to a parts store that caters to mechanics wholesale usually NAPA or CarQuest, not AutoZone or someplace like that that sells retail. Again, ask for the person who has been there the longest and then ask them who the best mechanic in the area is for the type of vehicle you have. Once again the parts guy has dealt with all of them and the parts person knows who knows what he is doing.
#3 I would also say that listed here on our web site are the many repair facilities that help us with the ‘Jesus Labor of Love’ free car repair labor for Single Moms, Widows and Families in crisis. I list those here under Christian Car Care Centers for the very purpose of helping you see who is helping folks in need in your area… Blessings, Robby