Jesus, Thank you that we can talk to you today nationally about how cars and vehicles can better serve your Kingdom. Jesus we want your Kingdom to come desperately so please give us the wisdom to use our transportation wisely, not becoming slaves to debt and false identities, not being reckless, distracted, road raging speeders, but ambassadors of the Joy of our salvation.
Lord we ask your Holy Spirit to raise up a full canopy of prayer for those who are struggling to keep their cars on the road and care for their families. Help us to see others needs, even on the side of the road, that with Your wisdom we would be the good Samaritan that doesn’t just pass by on the other side without so much as a prayer for that accident victim or the first responder headed their way.
Father God, help us to use our resources, our gifts, and talents to point people to Your Son, Jesus Christ who loves them beyond their wildest imagination and hope. Amen
The Jesus Labor Of Love, car repair and donations for single Moms, Widows and Families In Crisis had a record day on the national day of Prayer last Thursday, I think God was trying to get my attention on the subject of prayer for these folks struggling, would you join me in prayer for these…

God has been answering prayer and this week I saw an example in Birmingham, Alabama that blows my mind. I didn’t know that in 1963 Birmingham was know as Bombingham, long before the four little girls were killed at the 16th Street Church. I didn’t know that Black people weren’t allowed but on 15th, 16th and 17th streets or they had to have papers why they needed to come through any other part of town. I didn’t know that Alabama had laws keeping black people from being able to register to vote and very, very few were even allowed to vote. Yes, I was ignorant of all that was, the hatred and segregation, murder and violence black people were enduring.
So I visited the site of the 16th Street Church and The Civil Rights Museum across the street and Kelly Ingram Park, something I will never forget as another kind of ground zero as these few pictures illustrate…

The answers to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prayers are mind blowing if you see what God has done in just 56 years in Birmingham, not saying we don’t have a long way to go, but look around 16th street in Birmingham it’s nothing like 1963 for sure. Martin Luther King was arrested there in April 1963 before the bomb that killed the four little girls. He wrote a letter that is one of the most amazing documents I have ever read short of the Bible and really feel all the church should read it… Here is just the closing… Don’t let me rob you of the joy of reading the whole thing… http://okra.stanford.edu/transcription/document_images/undecided/630416-019.pdf

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