Steve’s journey learning about spiritual warfare got serious when a non-Christian man came to him with a problem: he said he had demons on his property. Steve didn’t know how to respond, so he silently prayed as the man talked. After the quick prayer, Steve had a strange verse pop into his head from Deuteronomy 6 that instructed God’s people to put Scripture on their gates and doorposts. So Steve & this non-Christian man who was desperate for help put Bible verses on ordinary tent stakes. Then they placed these stakes in the ground on the corners of this man’s property, read the verses out loud, and prayed for God’s protection. Everything changed. The man confessed Jesus as Lord, was baptized, and is now living faithfully in peace and safety as a Christian. Others heard about this event and copied this idea, and Spiritual Warfare Stakes were born (also available from Steve and on Amazon). So many people began to call Steve with amazing stories of good things that happened after placing this symbol of their faith around them that Steve researched the biblical connections to this idea and put these amazing stories together in this second edition of “What Are The Stakes?” God markers on the land are throughout the Scriptures: Goshen was set apart, blood on the doorposts protected the faithful, there were markers around Mt. Sinai, piles of stones marked connections to God, altars honored God, and the list goes on and on. It’s all about faith. Jesus could do few miracles where there was no faith. Prayers without faith accomplish little. But Jesus noticed, honored, and rewarded great faith with healing. The woman with the issue of blood had no reason to think that touching the hem of Jesus’ robe would heal her, but she decide that it would, she acted on her decision, and she was literally healed. That’s the principle behind the placing of these spiritual warfare stakes around your home, your property, your office, your hotel room, or your loved ones. Take a leap of faith and read these amazing God-stories, and you, too, will be placing Bible passages around your land and your family. Watch what God does after you do, and your life will never ever be the same. Lord, I pray for every person who reads this. Open their eyes to Your mighty power today and to the strength that lies in the words from the Bible. No evil force can stand against You and Your powerful Word. Use this to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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