When it comes to auto parts the old adage you get what you pay for is not necessarily true. Sometimes the OEM or Original Equipment Manufacturer is both more expensive and of lesser value. Wiper Blades are a great example of this, there are some amazing replacement wiper blades that are really much better than what came on the car. Even headlamp bulbs can be much brighter and less expensive aftermarket.
Then there is the whole subject of Used Parts, often, like in the case of glass, used parts are just as good at half the price. Just to add some more complication many parts are rebuilt or re-manufactured, for example: starters, alternators, transmissions, and engines.
There are certain parts that are only available OEM which makes that selection easy enough but what about, brake shoes and batteries, light bulbs and fluids. Which parts should you consider used? I love to have an expert to help, there is no substitute for having a Christian brother to help, Proverbs 15:22 “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed”. So by all means go to our “ASK an Expert Page” if you need help.
Further: when you get that call from the shop that you need a replacement part it’s good to know some questions to ask before you buy or OK the repairs.
- Are the parts available OEM, Rebuilt, Aftermarket or Used?
- What’s the difference in price and quality?
- Do these parts come with a warranty?
- Can I buy one that does have a warranty or has a longer warranty. (especially batteries)?
- Is there an after market part that lasts longer or does a better job,(Wiper Blades/Brake Shoes/Headlamp Bulbs)?
- How much could I save buying this rebuilt of after market?
- Is this a part we could find used that would be just as good, (almost always the case with non-mechanical parts).
- What would you do if it were your car, or your mother’s car?
Never, Never ask these kinds of questions in an accusatory manner. Ask with complete humility admitting you don’t know much on the subject and you need their assistance in making a good choice. Service people love to help, that’s why God has them in that field, but if they feel you don’t trust them often it’s, “game on” and they have plenty of old wounds you will rub on, believe me I have them. There is nothing like trust and sincerity in dealing with service people, they are usually more than refreshed by someone who trusts them to know their business. After all your are a witness to the Truth and the Life and we need to have our feet shod with the gospel of peace.
Replacement cost comes in many different brands and flavors.
On an automobile policy there is OEM (original equipment manufactured) parts and after market parts and used parts.
Each state has slightly different rules on what an insurance company can and cannot do when it comes to authorizing automobile replacement parts.
In North Carolina, no insurer may require the use of an aftermarket part in the repair of a motor vehicle unless the aftermarket part is at least equal to the original part in terms of fit, quality, performance and warranty. Insurers specifying the use of aftermarket parts must include in the estimate the costs of any modifications made necessary by the use of aftermarket parts.
With Nationwide you receive a guarantee on repairs – When you choose a repair shop from the On Your Side Auto Repair Network, all repairs come with a written guarantee for as long as you own or lease the car.
I have never felt paying extra for OEM parts protection was the thing to do for my family but I have had a few clients who felt it was comforting for them.
Personally I always felt the claims guarantee would more than protect me.
On a homeowners policy there is replacement cost on the house itself and a different type on the items you own. Both are extremely beneficial to carry.
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