Seasonal Rose
I have never shared ; the person who lives in side of me but there comes a time in our lives that something must
Be shared, to let our love ones know how much we really care.
So here’s rose poem I’ve written especially for you my dear.and always know that your TLC in which you have given to me will grow.
Please listen and let my tender words speak ever so softly to you now my sweet.
To my mother who will live as long as I do and that’s the most precious gift of a child of God and mines to have. I am so very grateful of your being still existing and I know the words mom are never offended said .
Your rose buds will grow for ever and ever , you see its in me and my children and theirs to be.
I thank God for allowing me a chance to express to you my poetry and love thats long over do ; He made me realize mom it’s. never to late to say I love you mother with all of my heart.
I hope by sharing this very intimate and private poem , That you would begin to trust God, Because he really is in the business of mending broken hearts.
I confess my love to God and by doing so He shared He’s love to… me and the others He loved too. ..and my mother is one of His loves
God said to me you have to forgive her
As I have forgive you and I release out the greatest pain that was Cemented it in my heart .I trusted and obey God at His word and my reward was a living profession of faith, death, life ,rejoicing, gain endurance..and in the end love will be your crown
Written by Jacqueline K,Ward
Inspired by holy spirit. my wisdom counselor , director from God.
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