Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

Psalms 68:1

So how did Alice find the strength to fight the Jaberwocky or David Goliath? David understood strength in some amazing ways as David knew the Joy of the Lord was his strength at a level I had not seen before. The More I read Psalms 68 and see how God answered David’s Prayer in Isaiah 61, I see a lot more clearly.

This week God showed me two letters in Hebrew and on Today’s show I’ll show what David knew of the Varpal Sword.

So the question we will ponder on this show is what is your Varpal sword and how do you know how to use it, I’m sure Lewis Carroll knew, and so did the Caterpillar Absolem. I know I don’t want to be a Stupid Girl.

This week the Jesus Labor of Love’s Scott Barton used his Varpal Sword to leverage what a generous donor did with his Varpol sword to move the Kingdom forward by helping this Single Mom get reliable Transportation… Here’s the Scene… GOD IS GREAT!!!