Every time we talk about long hours of driving, we always mainly get to hear of two things: coffee is beneficial and more than 9 hours of driving is unacceptable. Although, this information can indeed be useful for our safety, people rarely cover the topic of a brief post-long driving body recovery. These are top-4 stretches for long-hour drivers who don’t want to suffer from chronic back and hip issues.
Upper Back: Standing Side Stretches
The main difference between sitting at the desk and sitting behind the wheel is that in second case your back has less option for positioning in various poses (unless you’re using a self-driving car). That is why as we come out of the car our first and primal desire is to raise our hands and reach up to the sky. To make the most of this natural stretch we have to note two things:
• The leaning should be slow and by any means not fast.
• Instead of interlocking your fingers, holding a hoodie or a towel can be a much better option.
Lower Back: Child’s Pose
One of the ultimate best stretches for lower back is one of the easiest things you do with your body.
Basically, you have to do three things:
• Kneel down with your knees hip width apart
• Lean forward with straight back
• Relax for a few minutes
You can place your hands forward or behind your back depending on what you prefer. On the assumption of safe measures, the best way of doing it is on the grass or on the yoga mat. If the road has no place for performing such a vulnerable pose, the following one will have you in a lot more mobile position.
Sacrum: Legs on a Chair
Simple as it is. The only and the main thing you have to keep in mind for doing this one successfully is to hold your legs at 90 degrees. Not only it will have a tremendous relief effect on your sacrum, but it will also have a great relaxing impact on your lumbar vertebrae as well.
Hips: Knee to Chest Stretch
Hips are essential parts of your body that always need to be stretched out a little in order to avoid pain in the future and remain a basic mobility. Deep lunges can be good, but they can also be not exactly what your body wants after a long drive.
The final stretch comes down to laying flat on the ground, pulling up a knee to your chest and switching your legs. It will restore your lower back, hips and hamstrings.
As a bonus, you can get both of your knees to your chest, and to roll a little bit: from side to side and backward-forward. That self-massage for your entire back will work for your body reset as a perfect closure after a long a long drive.
About the Author: Zack Hargrove is a professional editor who is always willing to assist with economics assignment help. Most of his topics are dedicated to music, rock scene and unusual ways of strengthening your scientific curiosity. You can always find and hesitate to write him on Twitter @zackhargrovejr.
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