“Righty tighty lefty lucy” A fun twist to get you to remember which way to tighten a nut, or as you can see above the spinning wheel twists a yarn, but I found this week that twisten has a lot to do with “waiting on the Lord” and the promised “strong and courageous heart” of Psalms 27:14. I believe this waiting is far from passive tapping your finger on your watch like waiting in the checkout line.

in Hebrew: “Qavah” is the word that was translated  “wait” and the word you will find in many Psalms and the wonderful passage in Isaiah 40:31 when you get to rise up like wings of Eagles, the word has a twist to it almost a figurative rope….wait for it, yes if you twist fibers like hemp or sisal you will make a yarn, twist two of those together and you get a cord, twist three of those together with a rope makers top and you get a traditional rope.That rope makers top forming those three into the rope really gives me a sense of the Lord is coming. I have posted some videos so you can watch that in action.

The first time you see the word “qavah” in the Bible is in Genesis 1:9 when God “Gathered together” the waters…you guessed it a Water Spout, there was a twist to it. So the really cool application in my mind is that of waiting on the Lord by being twisted and tightened ever fiber of our being into the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit, then I am convinced King David’s understanding of the promise in Psalms 27:14 will be gathered together in you heart, being strong and very courageous. After all a rope of those three strands is impossible to break…wait for it…