Color percentages sold

Silver 20.2%

White 18.4%

Black 11.6%

Med/Dark Gray 11.5%

Light Brown 8.8%

Med/Dark Blue 8.5%

Medium Red 6.9%

Med/Dark Green 5.3%

Bright Red 3.8%

Dark Red 0.9% Source: DuPont Automotive

Color Safety Study

The Vehicle Color Study, conducted by Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) and published in 2007, analyzed 855,258 accidents occurring between 1987 and 2004 in the Australian states of Victoria and Western Australia that resulted in injury or in a vehicle being towed away. The study analyzed risk by light condition. It found that in daylight black cars were 12% more likely than white to be involved in an accident, followed by grey cars at 11%, silver cars at 10%, and red and blue cars at 7%, with no other colors found to be significantly more or less risky than white. At dawn or dusk the risk ratio for black cars jumped to 47% more likely than white, and that for silver cars to 15%. In the hours of darkness only red and silver cars were found to be significantly more risky than white, by 10% and 8% respectively.

There are other factors that affect a logical choice of color: resale value, longevity, ease of repair and heat absorption.

So with all that in mind here is Robby’s list:

#1 Choice is White for these reasons safety 5 stars, resale 4 stars, longevity 5 stars. It never fades and if it does it fades to white. Ease of repair 5 stars, heat absorption 5 stars

#2 Choice is Red: safety 5 stars, resale 5 stars, longevity 3 stars.. Ease of repair 4 stars if non metallic 3 if metallic, heat absorption 3 stars.

#3 Choice is Blue: safety 3 stars, resale 2 stars, longevity 3 stars.. Ease of repair 4 stars if non metallic 3 if metallic, heat absorption 2 stars.

#4 Choice is Green: safety 3 star, resale 1 star, longevity 2 stars.. Ease of repair 2 stars 3 if non metallic, heat absorption 2stars.

#5 Choice is Silver: safety 1 stars, resale 4 stars, longevity 2 stars.. Ease of repair 2 stars, heat absorption 4stars.

#6 Choice is Black: safety 1 stars, resale 5 stars, longevity 4 stars.. Ease of repair 5 stars if non metallic 2 if metallic, heat absorption 0 stars. Note: Maintenance on black is very time consuming and very hard to keep from surface scratches

I do realize in the end most times color is not a logical choice but a choice of taste. Getting what you want is very, very important because, to love your car is to love the color for many, and if you love and keep you car for years and years as I have Old Red it not only provides you with years of enjoyment but save you tens of thousands in some cases like Rachel it can save you a half a million.