This morning as I asked God what the show was today, He whispered, (for real), “Whisper of Hope”. Not really believing that as I had been studying something quite different all week, He knew and whispered again quite clearly so as even I couldn’t miss it, “Whisper of Hope”… Alrighty then… So it will be.
As I studied those words in Hebrew things began to leap out, “Whisper” – (the Still Small Voice) has two letter Mems in it as in the water of the word, as when Jesus calmed the storm – “BE STILL”. Still waters deep and powerful, but when still they are more peaceful that words can express. Scripture deep and powerful, and when still they are more peaceful that words can express.
Hope, as in English there are a few words translated hope, truly one of my favorite words, (Taquava), yet I felt God was leading me to the word also translated to wait or to tarry, and also hope. The root of that word is the Hebrew word for life itself – Chai. When you think of it all life is a waiting game, wait to walk, wait to talk, wait to drive, get married, retire, waiting on Jesus. Or is He waiting on us, do you hear that whisper? The time I lost weight, or got saved, or helped that Jesus Labor of Love, mom…. turns out He was waiting on me. What’s your story, I’ll bet you’ve got one – Call us today – 866-348-7884
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