God sent more then one comforter into your life and I hope like me you had a mom who was that, but even if you didn’t I promise God sent someone for you that in their case you were, “The Champion of their heart”. Here is a sound byte of what that sounded like in my life.

I really think mom’s were meant to give a a picture of the real comforter, The Holy Spirit and women have an ability to encourage and by that I mean EN-COURAGE. These sound bites from “The Cinderella Man” and “Rocky Two” say it so much better than I could and both EN-COURAGE me just to listen.

A few years ago I came to realize that God was not the backup plan as my Father, I used to think that if a little girl or boy’s dad died, that God would step in and Father them. I was thinking way, way to small, God is not only my Father the main event, but He has been directing other fathers into my life since day one.

This morning I came to realize the same thing about mothers, God has been directing them like an amazing symphony of mothers since day one of my life. Add to that the passage in Mark 10:
29 Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, 30 who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life. “

100 Mothers, oh yes, more than true all the mothers God has blessed me with, I really can’t even begin to explain, between this show, my friends at Somerset where I do devotions, Church, Sunday School, my Bible study groups, God has been directing this parade of mothers into my life to encourage me beyond my wildest dreams. You see I am the Champion of God’s heart and He knows my need for mothering. How about You? Who has and Is God’s mothering agents in your life?