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Archive for June, 2024

  • Angel Food – Verses – Bad Gas

    The first unleavened bread mentioned in the bible was baked for Angels – Genesis 19:3 Check out this episode!

  • Angel Food – Verses – Bad Gas

    The first unleavened bread mentioned in the bible was baked for Angels – Genesis 19:3 “But he, (Meaning Lot when the Angels visited Sodom), insisted strongly; so they turned in to him and entered his house. Then he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.” Genesis […]

  • Truth & A Square Deal

    Truth in Hebrew is more than fascinating as the chart about shows the three letters involved would be the first, middle and last, to some extent meaning, what’s true in the beginning is true in the middle, and true in the end. Check out this episode!

  • Truth & A Square Deal

    “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.” Psalms 119:160 Only at the end of the story will you really know if you got a square deal. 1. Good for God 2. Good for The Body of Christ 3.Good for you […]

  • The Father’s Heart

    As the Prodigal turns towards home, The Father’s Heart swells with Anticipation!!! Check out this episode!

  • The Father’s Heart

    As the Prodigal turns towards home, The Father’s Heart swells with Anticipation!!! I pray you have experienced it as a son, and even a father or a grand father… What’s Your Story? Today on The Christian Car Guy call us 866-348-7884 Christian Music Artist Justin Gambino Shares His Story Today […]

  • Power Of Prayer

    Join us for a great show with Ashley T Lee. Check out this episode!

  • Water Walking 101

    There are some amazing clues In Matthew 14:28 to not only walking on water but in your calling in general, if you look closely and dig deep. Check out this episode!

  • Water Walking 101

    There are some amazing clues In Matthew 14:28 to not only walking on water but in your calling in general, if you look closely and dig deep.  Peter responded and said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” On the triangulation […]
