One of my favorite jokes is the Pastor was waxing eloquent on Psalms 103 – “Lord we are but dust”

Then a little girl in the front row loudly asked her mother, “Mommy what’s Butt dust”.

The amazing truth is that’s us we are truly Adama – dirt, dust – it’s the stuff we were made from and Jesus highlighted this in a more than amazing way in the parable of the dust or soils you may say.

In Genesis 3:23

Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

That word “Till” is more often translated, “Serve”. Yep is was our ancestors job originally to serve the soil, and so it will be till Jesus returns, since all humanity is but dust we serve the dust.

The Five principles one Farmer posted on how to serve your soil I want to ponder today on The Christian Car Guy Show.

1. Armor

2. Minimize Disturbances

3. Plant Diversification

4. Continual Root

5. Livestock Integration