The Desires of Your Heart. Christianity rather than have you resist or bury your desires offers a life abundant with a Heart full as God’s Heart is. If I were to ask my 4 year old grandson what he wanted for Christmas and he told me, “Papa, I just want what ever you think is best for me.” My heart felt response is “NO! What do you really, really want.!” For I want to see his face light up with delight if I can get it for him.
That concept has everything to do with the Hebrew letter Kaf. It like the Palm of your hand open for a blessing requires that you want, and not lukewarm wanting but with all your heart. So The Psalmist in Psalms 119 gives us eight faces of wanting in the Kaf Section. Just look at the first verse, and see how bad he wants it.
My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word.
Psalms 119:81
How about the second?
82 Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?
Psalms 119:82
With a passion like that have you asked God for what you want this year?
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