Yesterday morning in prayer anticipating my time in the Bible with Jesus, I asked where He wanted to go and I heard Romans 8:28, unfortunately I immediately dismissed the thought, thinking to myself, “Oh, Robby you know that verse you just made that up; Jesus didn’t really say that to you, besides it has nothing to do with what we have been studying.”
In Jesus’ kindness he immediately came back at me with, “Yes, Robby, Romans 8:28, take a fresh look.” I could not be more glad he gave me the second word and for his guidance I have so much to learn.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
I had been looking at Ephesians 4: 6 the day before.
one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
Ephesians 4:6
Even I could see the word “ALL” jumping out as the common denominator. So I went to work to find it in Hebrew and get a sense of it. So when I read it in Hebrew originally I could see nothing that made sense to me, so I went to studying the letter again and the first letter is a KUF pictured below.
Now that you see the letter is the palm of the hand, as God’s hand it has unlimited potential – ALL.
The second and final letter is a lamed which means a heart burning and reaching for God. With God the potential of all things is beyond anything I can imagine as long as my heart sees it. In its own way the word, “all” is a matter of the understanding heart. The word itself in a way is Romans 8:28, the potential of this day or that used car or that ache in my jaw actually will work together for good…. WOWZERS!
There is much more in this verse and we will try to scratch the surface on today’s Christian Car Guy Radio Show.
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