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  • Propheting On Friends and Family

    Honestly based on my own pride and vain glory, I have always read the passage in Mark chapter 6:4 on “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.” like Rodney Dangerfield , “No wonder I, don’t get no respect”, […]

  • How Many Turns to The Valley Of Delight?

    I had no idea where I was until I started turning. Turning direction, turning the page, turning the soil, turning my heart. All roads lead to home may be true if you keep turning, quite often completely around. From a navigational perspective the fastest way to the promise land ain’t […]

  • Burying Your Burriedness: Seeding Your Auto Loan

    Wouldn’t it be good to bury you car debt knowing that something good would spring up from it. You can! Don’t lose hope or faith that Jesus is right with you in this. Jesus said in John 12:24: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls […]

  • Is Your Vehicle Battle Ready S-H-M-I-L-Y ?

    At a moments notice you may need to take someone to the hospital, or rush to a friend’s house that just lost their dog. You don’t know what may come up today and is your vehicle BATTLE READY S-H-M-I-L-Y? Clearly the Bible teaches us to put on the full armor […]

  • The Power of A Cry: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

    Ford’s new Max Motor Dreams crib proves my point. Sorry for the Spanish Version, but you can read the subtitles and get the point and how many young parents including me have spent hours driving around at night with a colicky baby. What a cool idea but it speaks to […]

  • Something For Nothing

    Something for Nothing, you can’t help but like the sound of that. The world tells you that it can’t happen that it’s a sign of a con or swindle and it sure can be, it takes wisdom to discern for sure if something sounds to good to be true. The […]

  • Lemon-Aide = Hoarse Power

    You can probably tell I like to play with words, this one above has some real power to it I would say. As you will hear at the beginning of the show today when a car or lemon,(as you may think) seems that it can’t be fixed the real story […]

  • The Answer IS Blowing In The Wind

    God knows Eagles better than anyone, and when God Spoke through Moses in Deuteronomy 32:11 saying that He, like an Eagle stirred Israel’s nest; God was providing some deep understanding on life’s storms and trials.  I learned this week from Matt Willis the author of “Learning to Soar”,  that baby […]

  • Bumper Stickers (SIGNS) on CARS

    Christian Bumper stickers; some are thought provoking some are hilarious, (to me anyway), people love signs and have been asking for them since the Pharisees in Jesus time. On today’s show I would love for you to call in and tell me your favorite 866-348-7884 10am ET February 18, 2017… […]

  • Think And Grow Rich 2

    Last weeks show ‘Think and Grow Rich’ we discussed, Andrew Carnegie’s secret to riches as explained in Napoleon Hill’s Book ‘Think and Grow Rich’, you can read about that in last weeks post . Before I go on to this weeks ideas I want to extend last weeks for a […]
