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  • “New” Ideas To See In The Dark (Battle of The Headlamps)

    Driving at night theses days I am amazed at all the different configuration of headlamps coming at me. All different shapes, numbers and sizes; different colors, some blueish, some with bunches of mini lights,even green or red,  so what’s up with all this and does any of it really work […]

  • Great Tetherballs A Fire

    One of the great benefits of having a Dad who worked for Buick in the 60’s is every year at announcement time he brought home scale models of the cool new vehicles coming out. Wildcats, Riveras, Skylark Convertibles a virtual little boy show room eventually. After a while my creative […]

  • The Last Prophesy In The Old Testament

    The Last Words in The Old Testament Malachi 3:24 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, […]

  • Please Pray & Help this Young Girl Who is struggling with much and this Kitten

    A touch situation. This young girl’s mom is very, very ill and now her kitten needs a $200 surgery to save it’s life, the family really needs you prayers and your help if God lays it on your heart…Go to her go Fund me page…   Blessings, Robby

  • Apart From Christ: What?

    In John 15:5  Jesus could not be clearer, “Apart from me you can do nothing”. So how do you abide?  I struggle here a lot and so on this show  live from The Middle Eastern Christian Festival… The Question I would love for you to call in and share is. […]

  • Roadside Rescues

    When Did You Experience An Unlikely Rescuer, or perhaps you were the Unlikely Rescuer? Call Today: we are live  5/14/2016  @10:06am ET 866-348-7884 God has a plan for your life. He, no doubt, designed you uniquely to bring the Kingdom as only you can. Discovering that plan is surely an […]

  • John Eldredge: Moving Mountain on the Show This Saturday

    Moving Mountains by John Eldredge A book on prayer that actually works Everyone has a reason to pray. We long to see God come through for us and those we love. But sometimes he doesn’t, and where does that leave us? Are we doing something wrong? Does he not hear? […]
