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God Stories

  • How Did She Live to 104?

    About 6 weeks before Miss Beck died, she asked me to speak at her funeral. Now here was a challenge, in my profession I have met and know many people of God many folks that have amazing testimonies and walks with the Savior, but honestly no one I have encountered […]

  • Miss Beck’s New Helmet- Her Funeral was Today 104 years Young

      Her 102 year old eyes lit up you could see the understanding of the passage roll across her face then she quickly rose to her feet and announced, “I coming to devotions today!” Why Miss Beck did you put on your Helmet? . I wrote this a couple years […]

  • The ‘8’ Teen Driver DANGER ZONES? Jesus is The Answer (but Perhaps not like you think)

    Now that you know, what should a parent do to protect their children? It may sound like the Sunday School Answer but can I just tell you categorically the answer is: Jesus. Look carefully at these eight danger zones. Who came to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives […]

  • Roadside Rescues

    When Did You Experience An Unlikely Rescuer, or perhaps you were the Unlikely Rescuer? Call Today: we are live  5/14/2016  @10:06am ET 866-348-7884 God has a plan for your life. He, no doubt, designed you uniquely to bring the Kingdom as only you can. Discovering that plan is surely an […]

  • The Day My Life’s Goal Changed (though not Yet A Christian)

    I had spent The Past 22 years of my career working my way up to what I thought was my dream job, I was the General Manager of Crown Dodge in Greensboro, NC, but now it looked like I was an absolute failure. Perhaps I would be the next ‘Poster […]

  • My Heavenly Promotion

    A Little after 12 midnight the phone rings, “Mr. Dilmore this is the North Carolina State Police, are you the general manager of Crown Dodge Suzuki?” The stern voice requested.   My sheepish answer, “well, yes.” The midnight call you always worried about as a General Manager in The Crown […]

  • Time To Look Under The Hood “The Little Brother Wound”

    ‘Check Engine’ Lights though annoying many times certainly alert you to the awareness of “Something isn’t quite right”, which can easily be the light itself, but more often a sensor or component within the electronics of your vehicle  that in someway is no longer functioning in the way it was […]

  • 35 foot Fall Lesson on Jeremiah 32:41

    One moment your sitting in your daughters Tree House nailing away at a board, then suddenly the board you’re sitting on breaks away. I fell head first 35 feet straight down, (which by the way happens quicker than I would have guessed), I did have time to think this is […]

  • What Was Your Firewall Experience?

    As John Bunyan himself experienced this very thing with his imprisonment, Satan thinking he could douse John’s grace poured water on him having him imprisoned. Think of what happens to a grease fire, if you throw water on it the water explodes as it boils immediately spreading and growing the […]

  • Root Defines Fruit

    Did you father or mother struggle with ‘Road Rage’? Do You? Did your father or mother enjoy driving? Do You? Did your father or mother hate buying a vehicle, (horse trading)? Do You? Did your father or mother love looking for a vehicle, (horse trading) Do You? Did your father or […]
