Many people know the concept of good and evil. The ability to distinguish these moral categories is innate. The same intrinsic is the love of sound, the realization that life is right is a normal state of human existence.
The proofs of this statement are as follows: A person will not talk about his decisive life moments, as negative ones. No one will complain about a good life, grieve for their well-being, with the hope of expecting a worse fate and believing that living in evil is a normal human condition. Every person subconsciously strives for the best, the worst for himself is not chosen. This personal attitude “to the normality of good” suggests that a good atmosphere should be there for optimal development and human existence. “And God saw that it was good” (Gen. 1:25). These words were concerning the created world, before the creation of a human being. The human being was in these right conditions, and he perceived these conditions as the norm.
In the sky among the angels, there was opposition to Lord. The angel closest to God resisted his will. And darkness came from here: an angel, having considered the fact he possesses incredible abilities, using which he can become like God, began, however, to move away from God. However, since everything in the world lives and exists due to God, having departed from God, having lost contact with Lord, an angel, cut off its oxygen and began to feed on those remnants of air remaining with him. For this angel to take new portions of breath, he needs to turn to the one who can give them: to God. However, due to pride and the first step taken (removal from God), it is almost impossible. The farther in, the more firewood. Who else can get this breath of air? From the man into whom, during creation, God breathed the sigh of life (Gen. 2: 7). Since the time of the Fall, when an angel, having put on a serpent, deceived a man, promising him what he dreamed about, but had not yet achieved (to become God), a person believed and inclined his will to this angel with evil will acquire this skill. Since then, a person sometimes listens to this evil angel, who is called an adversary (in Greek “Satan”), or a slanderer (in Greek, a devil, one who speaks ambivalent because distorted the words of God, slandered Him). It is beneficial for an evil angel, because with other people’s hands he rakes in the heat of his whims, having no strength in himself and drawing them through a man from God.
God is good if he created such a world, which we read about at the beginning of the book of Genesis. And these were the standard, natural conditions of human existence. Evil is the removal from God, which is secondary about the created world, introduced and unusual for it, as not occurring from the good intentions of God.
Man as something that must be away from perceives evil and that he has no right to be at all. Nevertheless, we observe evil manifestations in this world and consider it abnormal.
From the Holy Scriptures, we learn that evil appeared as a result of opposition to Lord, that is, the beginning of crime lies in the will, which can direct all the forces of a creature to evil or good and develop accordingly in one direction or another.
The more a person sins, the more blurred his ideas about the boundary between the moral categories of right and wrong become. Man defines a clear boundary between right and wrong, depending on his sinfulness. Sin is the removal of sound. The less good there is, the eviler is in man, as in some vessel. Consequently, the more noble and righteous a person is, the sharper he feels the boundary between good and evil.
Evil is untenable in itself. The stronger the spirit of the person, the more he sees the failure of wicked. It does not have within itself a source to advance its goals, a cause that has right. The source of good is in God, and the source of evil is only evil will.
Evil is derived from good and can manifest itself only by parasitizing on good. Sin will not give birth to right, as a shadow cannot give light; a lack of view leads to the formation of a shadow. Evidence that evil does not exist by itself is the inner awareness that any perversity comes from the evil disposition of good skills qualities. For the standard, the benchmark set virtues. Beauty is functional, and ugliness is evil, lack of grace. It is unlikely that someone will say the opposite. That ugliness is right, and beauty is evil, lack of ugliness. This expression will look like a shifter, sarcasm, a stinging joke, a misconception about good and evil.
The wrong radical idea of good and the bad is the result of a broad and nonstop, mindless direction of one’s own will towards evil. Everyone can accommodate the measure of product for which he is capable. However, often a person can provide more evil, there is less room for good. Naturally, man does not allow good in himself, but evil comes by itself.
If we consider that evil parasitizes on good, otherwise it will not be able to manifest itself, then, consequently, corruption manifests itself as the impoverishment of right in human. In his essay “On Divine Names,” speaking of the name of Lord “Right,” the author writes: “But wrong, completely from Good, who has fallen away, is no more or no less good. And the fact that partly good, partly not good, struggles with a certain good, but not with Good in general. And this is preserved due to involvement in the Good. But if the Good leaves at all, there will be absolutely nothing good, mixed or evil-in the proper-word-sense. “1 From this it follows that in the most notorious sinner, sin parasitizes on the good, otherwise, on the clouded image of Lord. If it so, then we have hope for correction, improvement in this sinner`s Good. If the person did not have the resources that God gave him, and the will ensure that the person, unfortunately, directs away from God, then no evil would be instilled in him.
Evil is an infusion, not an innate quality of a human. However, the skill to evade Lord, to manifest bad, since the time of the first fall, has become so habitual, ingrained and trained a man`s will that he already seems unable to live without manifestations of evil. The Apostle Paul testifies in a certain way: “For I know that good does not live in me, that is, in my flesh; because the desire for good is in me, but to make it happen, I do not find it. I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want. But if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that lives in me” (Rom. 7: 18–20). Here we can see a clear realization that man has no wish to sin his depths. Crime can be anything that captivates a person and leaves a heavy residue. However, a will is on a deep-seated person, which can lead a person away from good intentions. Thus, to carry out or not to carry out evil depends on the will of the person.
If a person for a long time, drawn by the devil’s tricks, directs himself towards evil, gradually the poles change, and in the perception of this person, there is a substitution of notions: the crime that destroys him becomes good, and the good, creating, becomes evil. So the person slowly collapses.
Having the right idea of good and evil, following the product is for man a guarantee of the natural existence for which he is intended. Any use of “not according to the instructions” is fraught with such failures, which can leave bleeding wounds for a lifetime.
If evil is wrong and God is almighty, why can he not create conditions for a person comfortable for life, conforming to his existence? However, He once created such situations, but man, by his own will, could not live in these conditions. And Lord, giving freedom to a human, does nothing to violate it. “Harm to nature is not characteristic of the Providence” 2. To the trade, all manifestations of evil are on the way to the good of man. In all the actions of God, there is His unceasing care for us.
About the author: Melisa Marzett who is currently working for http://resumeperk.com Online Resume Perk Writing Services and loves to write, which is why it sounds like candy. It entrenches upon time and efforts, however, and it is worth it because there are joy and pleasure as a result of the process.
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