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Archive for July, 2015

  • Round and Round, Are Roundabouts Safer?

    The Statistics say yes: • 37 percent reduction in overall collisions • 75 percent reduction in injury collisions • 90 percent reduction in fatality collisions • 40 percent reduction in pedestrian collisions But old ways die hard and new drivers find them difficult to navigate. None the less they are […]

  • Round and Round She Goes: Jeremiah 31:22

    If you ever attended a Jewish wedding it brings Jeremiah 31:22, this scripture to life. The Bride encircles her groom 7 times recalling Joshua’s Army encircling the walls of Jericho 7 times and thus bringing down the walls of the groom’s heart. A Link that describes it: A Man’s Deepest […]

  • Pray for Application #473

    Category of Applicant: Single Mom    Location: Winston Salem, NC I am a single mom, sole provider for my family and I am in the process of receiving new employment, and the head gasket in my 2005 Volvo S40 2.4 has blown. I do not have any other means of transportation. […]

  • Nahum’s Mat Part One

    Narrator: Now that Jimmy was back to himself in an effort to give back some of the support he had received, he joined the volunteer mountain rescue team and within hours of that move his new 2way radio sounded off:   Radio Distress Announcement: Break: Standby Mountain Rescue Team C for Emergency Beaver County Sherriff’s […]

  • Free Jesus Labor of Love Car Care Clinic July 26th

      July 26 @ 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship at the Blake Is Unstoppable Car Show & Fundraiser. Bring your sports car, your classic coupe or your bucket of bolts and help support Blake Johnson and the RBJ Special Needs Trust. Jesus’ Labor […]

  • Pray for Application #472

    Application #472 Jesus’s Labor of Love Category*: Single Mom Explantion of need: My car is totally broken down. It stopped on me a few weeks ago. I assume that it may be an electrical alternator or something because there is no power in the car at all. I applied previously […]

  • What Will The NextGen Leave Out?

    A quick glance at the picture above may appear inviting to you or perhaps you are repulsed. As the finale of Les Misérables is sang “The Future Comes”, like it or not.  These images are from the new driver-less  Google Car to pics from the Geneva Auto Show last March. […]

  • Pray for Application 471

    Name*: Applicant #471 Jesus’s Labor of Love Category*: Single Mom Explantion of need: I am a single mom of a 13 yr. old daughter. We just got out of a domestic violence shelter. I have NO family as they are all deceased. I have no one to turn to. I […]

  • Application #470

    Date Time*: 07/06/2015 Name*: Applicant #470 Explantion of need: Wheel Chair Bound, heart patient, COPD Repairs or Maintenance Needed *: Needs A Wheel Chair Van Preferred Date and Time of Repairs*: 07/06/2015 08:00 AM Vehicle Make*: Toyota Vehicle Model: Sienna

  • Application #469

    Date Time*: 07/05/2015 Name*: Applicant #469 Jesus’s Labor of Love Category*: Other **** Please explain below Explantion of need: my husband had mucoepidermoid carcinoma in his throat and tongue.and had an operation to remove what they could.and then left him unable to eat or take any thing by […]
