Christian Content
Crash and feel the burn
Today Robby and Bob tell stories of times they have crashed and felt the burn (outcome)..and how Jesus came to the rescue. Callers also told their stories of a life crash and Jesus’ rescue. Hallelujah!! Check out this episode!
Crash And Feel The Burn
Have you ever crashed and noticed all the help that comes running? In the Bible when King David Crashed and Burned with Bathsheba, he shared in the 51st Psalm verse 17 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Have […]
The Antidote for Overwhelm
Gratitude is the right Attitude. Today Robby talked about how gratitude can change your whole situation. He shared a personal story of gratitude and he took calls with stories of gratitude. Check out this episode!
Antidote For Overwhelm
One horrible night a dear family member attempted suicide, the terrifying wait to get to the hospital, the hours of waiting to see if they will recover are draining life and faith by the moment, overwhelm to say the least. Then came the relational crisis as they were locked up […]
Dismantling Dilemma
Darrin Koone sat in today for Robby and talked about how easy or difficult working on different models are..He took calls and just talked about restoring cars. Check out this episode!
Dismantling Dilemma
by guest host: Darrin Koone Life for most men feels more like pressure and God sometimes orchestrates it… Which often feels like some sort of retribution. 10:10 (NIV) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to […]
The Power of Choise
Today Robbie talks about how God gives us the power to choose the path for our lives and the Grace to have eternal patience with us. Also a crazy name that noise game..Do you know your car engines?? Check out this episode!
The Power of Choice
There was an amazing scene in the New Movie ‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood’, where Fred Rogers whispered to the alcoholic sick dying Father something to which the father replied, “You Can count on it!” and you could see the jubilation on the father’s face. Moments later the son followed Fred out […]
“Live” From The 2020 Men’s Summit
Live from 1st Christian Church in Kernersville. The 2020 Mens Summit. Restoring Biblical Manhood.. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Check out this episode!
BPS- Blind Spot Protection
Robby talks about how God gives us ways to recognize our blind spots. He was very candid about his own blind spots, but reveals a prayer to help tap into Gods provisions. Check out this episode!