Christian Content
Father’s Day Gift Ideas From Underdog
There’s no need to fear! Underdog is here! When criminals in this world appear and break the laws that they should fear and frighten all who see or hear the cry goes up both far and near for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! ..Say it with me- Speed of Lightning Roar […]
Father’s Day Gift Ideas From Underdog
There’s no need to fear! Underdog is here! When criminals in this world appear and break the laws that they should fear and frighten all who see or hear the cry goes up both far and near for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! ..Say it with me- Speed of Lightning Roar […]
Used Car Inspections with Inspector Gadget To Get Smart
Don Adams played both Inspector Gadget and Maxwell Smart, and those characters were relatable. They were always bumbling and fumbling with seemingly no sense of what was really going on, but still manages to find a way to succeed. This week on The Christian Car Guy Show, Robby shares his […]
Vacation Bible Style
In navigating this years vacation plans it occurs to me that there are three basic questions we all face with this annual blessing. #1 Who is going? #2 Where are we going? #3 What are we going to do when we get there? That’s right, we are talking vacation this […]
Vacation Bible Style
In navigating this years vacation plans it occurs to me that there are three basic questions we all face with this annual blessing. #1 Who is going? God always seemed to like large groups to go on adventures, (need I say all those Israelites in the Desert, the Seventy Jesus […]
4 Actions Every Christian Should Take Right Now
by Melisa Marzett Every Christian should know about the 4 most important things he should do during his life. These are the most important actions, because they lead to the development of soul and mind. Assess the nature of your relationship with God over the life. Exit the doors of […]
Getting a Lift from a Lion
Would you believe that History paints a picture of Solomon’s throne room to be like Disney World and each day as he ascended the throne he did on the arm of a LION? Could it be Solomon’s throne was the first Disney World with animatronics.The Christian Car Guy explores getting […]
Getting A Lift – from a Lion
Would you believe that History paints a picture of Solomon’s throne room to be like Disney World and each day as he ascended the throne he did on the arm of a LION? Could it be Solomon’s throne was the first Disney world with animatronics, and I believe there is […]
Car Repair Terms Glossary
In the 50’s we had decoder rings for this sort of thing, but it’s easy to get lost in the rhetoric. From Aftermarket Parts to Vin numbers, and everything in between, the Christian Car Guy Show has you covered when it comes to car terminology. Have a listen and allow […]
You ARE The Champion Of Your Mother’s Heart
The Christian Car Guy Radio Show Check out this episode!