Posts by Robby Dilmore
God The Father’s Christmas
This week Robby talks about the ways God reveals himself during the Christmas season. He shows us how to Honor him and through obedience we achieve victory. Robby gets very detailed in one way God showed him a WORD… Check out this episode!
God The Father’s Christmas
I will always remember telling my son goodbye as they took him off to open chest surgery when he was nine, the helpless feeling of watching my boy get rolled down that hall to be sliced open, more pain than I ever had going into my own surgeries not even […]
Jesus Labor Of Love Urgent Prayer Needs
Single Mom Near Oxford, Durham NC Need for a Car Donation I’m going through a domestic violence issue. And I’m trying my best to do everything on my own I dont have help I dont have a car to get and from work I have 6 kids and I have […]
The Christmas Nail
This week Robby talks about the symbolism of the Nails that the Jews used to nail Jesus to the Cross. And we listen to stories of Encounters of the God Kind from Robby and his guest Shirene Gentry in the studio and Callers. Check out this episode!
The Christmas Nail
Many have enjoyed the Christmas Nail and the poem that goes with it, my family has for years, wonderfully this year God has shown me so much more that is here. The final nun in the Hebrew Alphabet is know by the Jews as a nail as is pictured above […]
Why Did Moses Have to Take Off His Sandals?
This week on Christian Car Guy, Robby has but one question for you. Why Did Moses have to take off his sandals? Another way to ask the question is why did God tell Moses to lose the shoes? You’re going to love the answer, and you’re going love this episode. […]
Why Did Moses Have To Take Off His Sandals?
Many have written on this I know but my heart still wasn’t feeling it. Yes, I see the respect thing, but Moses needed a foot washing, the curse was the ground and Moses’ feet were covered in it. Genesis 3:17B “cursed is the ground for your sake”. As were Joshua’s […]
Car Show Calendar December 2019
Gwen Brandon Sun 1 Lenoir Christmas Cruise-in & Toy Drive – 801 West Ave, Downtown Lenoir – Bring a new unwrapped Toy for a child ages 2-11 to the Square in Downtown Lenoir – 1pm until – Hang out with Santa & the Cruisers On facebook Lenoir […]
Good Deal – Bad Deal
With the Holidays on the horizon, people will be looking all over for good deals. Well Robby is talking about Good Deals and Bad deals this week. When was the last time you received a good or bad deal? Callers call in to share their stories, and uplifting messages. So […]
Good Deal – Bad Deal
About 1991 some consulting firms started teaching Car dealers across America a way to make two or three times as much on the sale of a vehicle as they were previously making: in real numbers from about $1,800 a car including financing average to about $3,500 to $4,500 per car. […]