Posts by Robby Dilmore
Pray for Your Pastor Tour 2015
Energize Ministries is hitting the road once again, this time bringing love and encouragement to church leaders in New England with the “Pray for Your Pastor” bus tour! According to Energize Director, Andy Bowersox, the ultimate hope of the bus tour is to continually engage a growing army of Christians […]
Teen Driving State’s Statistics- Best and Worse 2015
Click On Your State To See How You Rank For Safe Teen Driving Source: WalletHub In the year 2013 an average of Two Hundred and Ten teenagers 13-19 died every month in motor vehicle crashes. Yet some places statistically are safer for teens than others and the revelation behind that […]
Car Prayers
Audio Teaching It would seem that God has had me on lesson plan on prayer this week. So this morning I felt Him leading me towards this topic. What would be some ways to pray about and for your vehicle and driving needs. So as you might imagine I have […]
My-Way Warren Winch
Narrator: It looked like Jimmy’s Jeep wrangler was finally on its way home with Sally Bible Belt and Tammy Tensioner repaired and spinning harmoniously. Under the hood not everyone was as refined as Jimmy may have hoped for and this time it was Crude Mosey Motor Oil who was gushing […]
376,000 Miles and Counting
Most folks who know me have never seen me drive anything else, (including my children). We traded for Old Red in 1998 when it had about 30,000 miles and being that it was a 4cyl 2.5L 5 speed manual that would get great gas mileage, we made it our parts […]
Day 30
Will The Peer Pressure of Your Speeding Kill Someone’s Teen Driver?
The Dying Drummer Boy
I was a surgeon in the United States Army during the Civil War. After the battle of Gettysburg, there were hundreds of wounded soldiers in my hospital. Many were wounded so severely that a leg or an arm, or sometimes both, needed to be amputated. One of these was a […]
Recreational Exhaust (Loud Mufflers)
Like Bells for horses for many a loud muffler is fun, it makes us smile, and yes it can possibly improve performance and save fuel, (it can), but lets just admit it makes us smile. There are a number of ways to achieve this some a great deal more expensive […]
Bells For The Horses by C.H. Spurgeon
If you ever wondered why Jingle Bells is a Christmas Song ELLS on the horses! Unnecessary! Very unnecessary, indeed,” says my neighbour, Dr. Dull; “very needless, trivial, and absurd. Horses do not derive a particle of strength from wearing a set of jingling nuisances which can be of no possible […]
Ford’s Better Backup Idea 2016
All-New Pro Trailer Backup Assist for 2016 Ford F-150 Makes Backing Up and Parking a Trailer Easier Than Ever • Pro Trailer Backup Assist™ for the 2016 Ford F-150 makes it easier for drivers of all skill levels to back a trailer up to launch a boat or park in […]
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