Going Deeper with Jesus in effect- Is the greatest BPS- Blind spot protection system EVER, Yes, I have a gigantic Blind spot and by going deeper with Jesus He wants me to see reality — The Submarine Scene you may have guessed we are going deep…. So as to not be blind Sided..
The Famous John Eldridge quote “
In the heart of every person lies an inconsolable longing. Men often know it as the hunger for adventure. Women tend to feel it as a thirst for intimacy. This longing is the secret of our lives. It tells us who we are, what our life was meant to be. If you have ever felt those deep yearnings, we have some really good news: this is what the Gospel truly offers. Life is more than chores and Christianity is more than duty. It is a Sacred Romance -a great love story set in the midst of a life and death battle.
Yet like that Scene in Lord of the Rings when Gandolf and Aragorn are King Theodan’s, BSP Blind Spot Protection system Gandolf Tells him all about the approaching Horde… He says, “I will not risk Open War”
To Which Aragorn reply’s “Open War Is Upon You weather you will risk it or NOT…. Theodan Had A Giant Blind SPOT and here the Jesus Character and the Holy Spirit Character are instructing him on what’s really set against him and His Provision
The Blind Spot is asking do you see the Battle…. 2 King 6:15 When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was all around the city. And the servant said, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
These are a list of questions the folks at Ransom Heart ministries ask in prayer before any event or any project especially their Boot Camps. So I applied it to what I felt God was working with me in my family and it was beyond a treasure. So why not apply it to buying a car, here is what the questions might look like to ask Jesus if you are headed into that adventure… I follow that with how I applied them to what I feel God is doing with me in 2020 the ultimate Blind Spot Protection.
FRAMING THE CAR BUYING SEASON 1. What are you doing, Jesus, in me in this Car Buying Season? 2. What’s the theme of this Car Buying Season ? 3. What do I need to know about my role in your larger mission for this Car Buying Season? 4. What prophetic words, images, or instructions do you want to call to mind to frame this Car Buying Season? 5. What are you doing in my Car Buying Season in particular? UNDERSTANDING THE OPPOSITION 1. What warfare is set against me in this Car Buying Season ? What strategies is the enemy employing in an attempt to undermine your work, Jesus? 2. Who’s in charge (the ranking foul spirit)? 3. What is set against my Car Buying Season, in particular? 4. What in my flesh is vulnerable, or in the way of what you’d like to do? 5. What in the World is particularly opposed to your work in this Car Buying Season? TAKING HOLD OF THE PROVISION 1. What is your provision in this Car Buying Season ? What is it in you, Jesus, and in your kingdom and work, that overwhelms and envelops the opposition as I take hold of it? 2. Provision for the warfare? 3. Provision for the opposition of my flesh? 4. Provision for the opposition of the world? 5. What personal instructions to you have for me to help my alignment with you in this Car Buying Season? 6. Anything else?
So as this tool can be used for a any season in your life, I also thought it would be helpful for you to see, a filled out one that Jesus answered for me in my season for 2020.
1. What are you doing, Jesus, in me in this season? Building your household in אהבה Ahaba Love
2. What’s the theme of this season? ידע yada … intimacy, knowing one another really happens when you break bread…Jacobs feast with Laban
3. What do I need to know about my role in your larger mission for this season? Requires my time and availability
4. What prophetic words, images, or instructions do you want to call to mind to frame this season? Blessed fruit, Joy, Family, belonging, favor- משפחה Family- mishpakah Messiah- משיה – Mishiach
5. What are you doing in my (area of concern: work, marriage, house search, job search, etc) in particular? Bringing The Kingdom, making it like heaven
1. What warfare is set against me in this season? What strategies is the enemy employing in an attempt to undermine your work, Jesus? Busyness, religion false comparison, judgement, despair, Spirit of Infirmity, Orphan Spirit. Lust
2. Who’s in charge (the ranking foul spirit)? Orphan Spirit
3. What is set against my marriage (or area of concern from above), in particular? Despair, hopelessness
4. What in my flesh is vulnerable, or in the way of what you’d like to do? Self gratification and medication, vanity
5. What in the World is particularly opposed to your work in this season? Busyness, greed, entitlement
1. What is your provision in this season? What is it in you, Jesus, and in your kingdom and work, that overwhelms and envelops the opposition as I take hold of it? Ahaba, אהבה, Grace, Joy, Goodness and KindnessScripture: Psalms 107:41
Psalm 107:41 (NKJV) Yet He sets the poor on high, far from affliction, And makes [their] families like a flock.
Poor – אביון ebyown The Fathers hand connecting to faith… nailed to it
Flock – צאן. Righteously nailed by faith to the Father
2. Provision for the warfare? Abiding, Union, healing, Life, Union, daily prayer, 1 min pause, 12 and 5 prayers for this
3. Provision for the opposition of my flesh? Abiding, El Shaddi , feeding on the word, resting in His Love, daily prayer and Pause App
4. Provision for the opposition of the world? This sheet, reminders, THE HOLY SPIRIT
5. What personal instructions to you have for me to help my alignment with you in this season? Engage – Don’t get discouraged, pray over this at 12 and 5- set reminders
6. Anything else? Trust Jesus,Psalms 107:41 Yet He sets the poor אביון on high, far from affliction and makes their families like a flock צאןHe guides us in Paths of righteousness for His sake
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