Fours are everywhere in a car, 4 tires, 4 stroke engine, 4 wheels, 4 sets of brakes, many times 4 cylinders, 4 seats. Do you ever wonder what’s up with all these fours, I believe God wants you to. He especially wants the church to wonder about the 4 kinds that are to be used to bless the tabernacle in Leviticus 23:40 -(Oh wow another 4).
“And you shall take for yourselves on the first day, the fruit of the hadar tree, date palm fronds, a branch of a braided tree, and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for a seven day period” Leviticus 23:40
Balance, unity and so many things alluded to anyone child who did this for seven days would ask, “what’s up with the Citron, the Palm, The Myrtle and the Willow?” Great question – our discussion today as well as many other 4’s on The Christian Car Guy Show… Who do you know that is represented by one of these, call us 866-348-7884 on Today’s Show.
Travel To Israel this May with me and Mark Bilitz
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