Honor 2

Romans 13:7(TLV)  Pay to everyone what is due them—tribute to whom tribute is due; tax to whom tax is due; respect to whom respect is due; honor to whom honor is due.

On Today’s Show Call in and honor your Military Hero 866-348-7884 10am ET May 28, 2016

HealOurHeroesNO-TAG-e1429208606852Seeks to achieve our vision by serving, supporting and strengthening military warriors, families, leaders, chaplains and caregivers, and wounded warriors through offering training, services and resources which promote resiliency and relational health throughout the deployment cycle. These services include retreats, counseling professionals and print and media resources. http://www.healourheroes.org



BeHero2Hero(1)#BeAHero2AHero today. Together we can make a positive impact!
Sign up below to make a pledge to thank, love, and provide fellowship to
a man or woman who has served our great nation in the armed forces!http://www.behero2hero.com/





Support Military Foundation is charged to provide America with a gateway to verified organizations. All of the organizations listed on the Support Military Foundation National Resource Directory participate in a detailed validation process which not only gauges how donations are used, but also the extent to which their services and programs are impacting our service members, past and present to include their families.http://supportmilitary.org/


h2h-logoHero2Hired (H2H.jobs) has transitioned its online capabilities to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Employment Center (VEC) (https://www.vets.gov/veterans-employment-center).