Anyone who has been around children knows how often you hear it. “It’s Not Fair – It’s Not Fair – It’s Not Fair!!!” Unfortunately if you hang around inside my brain for a few minutes you will hear the same. What and why is that? The Bible has a word for it and it shocked me this week to lean it and it connects so many dots it blows my mind, the word as I leaned from David Johnston author of How You See Yourself is INIQUITY.
Yes iniquity thinking we are equal to God. Self serve is another way of saying it and that iniquity of mine and yours is what was laid on Jesus, Isaiah 53:6.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:6
If you turn the old Hymn upside down, “Have my own Way Lord, Have My Own Way”. That is iniquity and yes the world is full of it, but my immediate problem is ME!
Today’s show, when I hear myself saying, “It’s Not Fair”, I need to take that though captive, its an idiot light warning me I’m in self serve mode, time to pray and ask God, how can I serve Him…..
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