The One thing I am absolutely sure of is that when God allows really hard things in my life he provides amazing provision for that season.
The Legend is that a year where the Oaks provide a bigger crop of acorns that year will be a hard winter as God is providing more acorns for the squirrels and deer to survive the cold. A doctor once told our Sunday School Class that the colder the winter the better to get rid of viruses and there will be less Flu…. Now I don’t know if you have noticed but this years acorn crop is like nothing I have ever seen.
This week was a tough week in the world, yet God had me drinking from a Fire Hose all week. As I was thinking more and more about fruit, I realized that to be fruitful I would get to be “Fruit FULL”.
Monday John Eldridge’s “Wild AT Heart Podcast” may have been the best I have ever heard and for such a time as this, he taught from Ephesians One in the Message Translation, AMAZING!!!
20-23 All this energy issues from Christ: God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.
Ephesians 1:20-23
John taught, that if you look at this from Paul’s day, how in the world could you say that the world/Rome was not the main event, but peripheral to the church. Rome was huge, they had the microphone, the church as totally insignificant in numbers and Rome/The Jews had just killed it’s leader – Jesus, then James etc… Yet 200 years later – Or maybe you would think Genghis Khan was the big deal he boasted that he killed 10% of the worlds Population, oh he had the microphone for a bit, but ultimately the church flourished.
Then Wednesday Morning when all was crazy, God had me revisit Hebrew 12: Specifically told me there was a whole lotta shaking going on.
27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
29 For our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrew 12:27-29
The more I thought about the shaking and studied the word I saw something I had never seen before. Jesus said of John the Baptist, “what did you go out to see a reed shaken by the wind” -Matt 11:7
That reed reference was a prophesy spoken by the Prophet Ahijah to Jeroboam as to the destiny of Israel in 1Kings 14:15. That reed in Hebrew is perhaps better translated a stalk and what is on a stalk – fruit – seed and as the wind blows it what happens, seed is scattered.
The other amazing thing I learned this morning in Hebrews 12:27 is that phrase Paul uses, “Yet Once More” – a close study will reveal an amazing word in Hebrew- Paam Just one word but it could be said as “Once Upon A Time” The letters in Hebrew Peh-Ayin-Mem – Face Jesus with you eyes on him. Then you are in present time and The Powerful Play is On, keep your eyes on Jesus. Look at the concordance on that work.
stroke, beat, foot, step, anvil, occurrence foot, hoof-beat, footfall, footstep anvil occurrence, time, stroke, beat
Think about what Jesus told Peter – “Satan wants to sift you” But he kept his eyes on Jesus so that what could not be shaken remained as will the Church.
28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
29 For our God is a consuming fire.
Watch the best 20 minutes on Youtube – The Butterfly Circus to see the Church In Action
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