If we only had any idea how deep and amazing the word of God is, it is the bread of life in so so many ways and to get that bread we must turn RIGHT. God knew when he gave the instructions for the shewbread in the tabernacle so many things would be pictured for us to marvel at..
Bread in Hebrew is lahem sound familiar? David his father, Jesse, Obed, Naomi and eventually Jesus came of Beth or House of Bread. When King David quoted in Psalm 23 that, “He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies”, he said a mouthful, literally. In Psalm 119:44 “So I will keep thy law continually”, that word continually is how they would keep the shew bread, and the shewbread table was on the North side of the tabernacle…. I would be writing for hours to explain all God has show me here, so I will just ask you to listen to today’s show if this wets your appetite. If you love Psalms 23, you love Jesus teaching on bread you won’t want to miss this one…
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