The Jeep Wrangler just had a brush with a watery death and you would think all would be well and peaceful but as you may have experienced that’s just the time when something evil creeps in and so it was for Jimmy’s Jeep Wrangler under the hood.

“I’m not really a fan”, hissed Sinister Sally Serpentine, “Sammy Starter has been telling us about a Great Engineer. You weak minded components need some sort of crutch to lean on. You fools must have had a couple belts to believe that ancient legend .”

Tammy Tensioner quickly added, “Get a grip you bozos, and don’t try stretching the truth on me Sammy Starter. That’s a slippery slope you’re walking. Has anyone ever seen this “Great Engineer?”

Jimmy the Jeeps owner started for home again. The rain had let up and it looked like he would be home before dark. That changed quickly as Jimmy came to where the road had been washed out by the flash flood. It looked like more than 100 yards of road had washed down the Beaver brook.

Jimmy remembered the old logging road a few miles back, maybe he could use that to get home. That road was really steep and rocky and in this mud it would be extra tough, but he didn’t see any other way home. Jimmy turned the Jeep around and headed for the logging road.

“Looks like we need to start praying guys,” Sammy Starter said as the Jeep swerved onto the logging road. Jimmy put the Jeep into 4 wheel low range.

Tommy Transfercase started his whining. “Praying, praying to who, The Great Engineer. I’m not geared for all this hocus pocus. Sammy always has to put his spin on everything; it’s a bit twisted if you ask me.”

Eduardo Exhaust piped up: “Hey, man, you blow hards sure have a chort memory. An hour ago Sammy and The Great Engineer saved your tails, have a little respect man… Sammy go on and pray we need it.”

So Sammy prayed, “Great Engineer you know how we were designed and it looks like we are headed for some real bumps and jars with this logging road, please hold us together to bring Jimmy safely home…”

Sinister Sally Serpentine wasted no time taunting Sammy, “Great Engineer, Oh, Great Engineer, I’m sure he’s listening Sammy, as if He can do anything to save us, who knows maybe someday instead of Sally Serpentine I’ll be the Bible belt… Ha, ha, ha, ha…”

Jimmy thought he needed to keep up his speed in the mud and going too fast, BAM! The Jeep bounced hard over a boulder, CRACK! Tammy Tensioner screamed, “I’m slipping!” as her mounting bracket cracked.”

Simultaneously Sally Serpentine was flung across the engine compartment slicing her ribs on the sharp underside of the hood. She then slipped down to the ground as the Jeep ran on. “Help, Help!” Cried Sally, “I’m a-frayed!”

Jimmy didn’t get far when he noticed the red alternator light on the dash and feeling the lack of power steering he wisely stopped the Jeep to take a look. As he pulled open the hood it was obvious the belt was missing, so knowing it couldn’t be far he started back tracking. Sure enough within 50 yards he spotted the belt, looking closely he spotted the slice in the ribs then walking back to the Jeep he started to see how he might slip it back on and noticed the broken bracket on the tensioner. “Now what do I do?” Tossing the belt onto the engine Jimmy went over and sat down on a boulder head in hands.
Sammy Starter used that moment to call in an air strike. “Team we really need help from above to bind up the broken bracket and mend Sally’s rib. It says in the Manaual, “if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”One thing is for sure, we need help. Great Engineer we have been so faithless and haven’t regarded you, please help us.”
“Oh Sammy he wouldn’t help me, not after all I have said and done,” Sally Serpentine objected humbly.
“Me either, Sammy, I’m the problem here. My not so wise cracks have brought us all to a stand still and it looks like Sally and I are headed for the land fill, forever.” Tammy Tensioner lamented.
Sammy Starter was undaunted. “Sally and Tammy are you scared?” Sammy asked with compassion.
“Were a-frayed and broken, Sammy you know that.” Sally said.
“The Manual says, “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19 We love Him[b] because He first loved us.” Sally and Tammy you need to be made perfect right?” Sammy instructed.
Tammy and Sally sheepishly replied, “Right”.
“Then you need to accept that The Great Engineer so loved you both that He gave his only begotten Son to take your cracks and frays and go to the Land Fill for you. Believe, He really did that for you because you are His favorite, not because of anything you did or didn’t do but because the Great Engineer knows what Love really is with no requirements except that you believe its truth. Will you believe, believe it’s personal for you especially, right now?”
Sally Serpentine replied “Sammy, you don’t understand, I’m a serpentine I sold myself to that order of belts there is no hope for me. What you say may be true but I’m too far gone.”
Sammy quickly responded. “No, Sally I failed to mention the “Who So Ever”, The manual clearly says, “Who So Ever. No one is too far gone, The Great Engineer is three, the Father gave His Son and The Great Engineer’s Holy Spirit is telling your heart right now it’s true, it’s true, isn’t it Sally, it’s true!”
“You’re right Sammy! It is true. I can see it now; The Great Engineer sent His son to die according to the manual for my broken attitude and frayed edges.” Sally rejoiced.
Tammy Tenioner joined in, “Me too Sammy, The Great Engineer’s Son can heal even my cracks, Sammy let’s pray, let’s all pray.”
This time Sally led the prayer, “Forgive us for our unbelief Lord, and help Jimmy to get home tonight. We believe in You, Your Son and Your Spirit”
Jimmy too was praying and just then he remembered his emergency kit had duct tape and a giant hose clamp. Within minutes Jimmy had cut some duct tape to cover the fray in the belt and after re-routing the belt he clamped the tensioner bracket back into place with the hose clamp. Jimmy then tightened it all up and closed the hood.
Sally and Tammy faces beamed in faith as Jimmy cranked up the Jeep’s engine spinning in harmony as never before…
Yes, Sally’s prediction had come true she was no loner Sally Serpentine, behold old things had passed away, the new had come.. She is Sally Bible Belt.

