by Sally Perkins (freelance contribution) 9/19/2017

Every year thousands of deaths caused by road accidents leave families destitute and without answers. Even more alarming is the number of teenage deaths, which in 2014 alone was 2,333. This equates to six deaths per day for an entire year in the US alone. If there were ever a time to look beyond the regular teen driving tips and tighten up the reins, it is now.

Only Take Instructions From Responsible Drivers

As important as it is for parents or guardians to set a good example on the road, it is equally important for teens to be careful who they get into a car with. Whether this is the person guiding them through the instructions or someone they’re getting a ride with, the importance is the same. A good instructor with sober driving habits will ensure that the teen has all the guidance they need to not be a hazard to themselves, their passengers, or other drivers on the road.

Drive for the Other Drivers On the Road

It only takes a few moments for everything to chance on the road, which makes it essential that teen drivers get into the habit of driving for others as well. This means anticipating their next move as well. To expect the unexpected is one of the greatest pieces of advice teen drivers will ever receive. It allows them to focus on the road ahead and also keep an eye on what is happening around them. This sense of expectation will also make teens reluctant to fiddle with electronic devices while on the road.

Don’t Panic In Unusual Situations

It’s only natural that the first response would be to swerve to avoid something on the road or to apply brakes when the situation becomes tricky. In many instances, however, this only makes matters worse and can end up in the car rolling or spinning. This causes a hazard for everyone on that stretch of road. Read up on road tips and watch online tutorials as often as possible to ensure that the information is ingrained in your memory. Applying brakes around wet or slippery corners or through water patches, swerving the steering in the wrong direction when spinning, and more are just some of the tutorials to look out for.

Teens are more at risk on the road when they don’t have the right guidance. More importantly, it’s important for teens to stick to their resolve and set the example for their friends. A teen who enforces good driving habits has the ability to set the tone for the group.