Safe Driving
Air Bag Recall
Great New Web Site up at The Largest Recall Ever of any product the Takata Air Bag Recall Yes, you need to pay attention if you own one of these brands this is a very dangerous situation. Your airbag could shoot shrapnel metal into the driver of your car. […]
Deadly Driving Habit “Driving Drowsy”
Falling Asleep At The Wheel Most Would List As The Number 2 Killer Here is a Tip that could save your life..Simply pull over and sleep for an hour or so when you get sleepy. NEVER TRY TO WHITE KNUCKLE IT! Put rest into your driving plan at least every […]
Backup Plan
Here’s A Plan for you…LOOK before you backup! More than 50% of all collisions with pedestrians happen in parking lots NHTSA estimates that 22 percent (more than one-fifth) of children between ages 5 and 9 killed in traffic crashes were pedestrians. Most of these accidents occurred because drivers failed to […]
Don’t Zone Out Or It Could Be Your Rear End
Every 13 minutes someone in the U.S. is injured in a Work Zone related accident. Couple that with over 20% of our nations highways are currently under construction so Work Zone Driving Safety is a frequent thing. Now ad that 85% of Work Zone fatalities are drivers not the workers. […]
Deadly Driving Habit
Don’t Turn Your Wheels To The Left While Waiting On The Signal In A Left Turn Lane! If a car comes in behind you and slams into you it launches you into oncoming traffic. Especially common when waiting to make a U-Turn… Don’t do it, it is very, very dangerous.
How To Do A Brake Dance
In a recent article “Top 10 Everyday Things People Do To Ruin Their Cars” The #1 item on the list was Not setting the parking break. I myself almost lost my left leg and spent months in a wheel chair as the result of a driver failing to do this. […]
Deadly Driving Habit
A “Real Killer” is attempting to draft big trucks or following them too closely for any reason. Simple Physics is the reason this is so dangerous. Which do you think the forces of gravity going up a hill would stop faster: an 18 wheeler that averages around 23,000 lbs or […]
Round and Round, Are Roundabouts Safer?
The Statistics say yes: • 37 percent reduction in overall collisions • 75 percent reduction in injury collisions • 90 percent reduction in fatality collisions • 40 percent reduction in pedestrian collisions But old ways die hard and new drivers find them difficult to navigate. None the less they are […]
Teen Driving State’s Statistics- Best and Worse 2015
Click On Your State To See How You Rank For Safe Teen Driving Source: WalletHub In the year 2013 an average of Two Hundred and Ten teenagers 13-19 died every month in motor vehicle crashes. Yet some places statistically are safer for teens than others and the revelation behind that […]
“Live” From Heritage Woods
We will be at Heritage Woods “Live” 3812 Forrestgate Dr, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Directions (336) 600-1089 10am-12:30 May 2nd, 2015 All Sorts of Activities Food, Donuts by Senior Driver Expo offering older drivers and their families a chance to learn along side the Christian Car Guy, Robby Dilmore. Safe Transfer […]
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