God Stories
The Four Stroke Christian (With A New Emphasis On The Power Stroke)
Years ago God gave me this illustration of the Christian Life using the principals of a 4 stroke engine it has since been my most read article and as I continue to consider this it continues to teach me something to this day. The four stroke engine revolutionized transportation with […]
What’s Your Heavenly Heritage?
For years I have been fascinated with Ancestry and enjoyed hours of studying the lives of my ancestors. With the help of the internet and ancestry sites their are many treasures available pictures and stories I would have never dreamed were out there. The story I was always interested in […]
How I Met God
No doubt God used many people and circumstances to bring me to know Him, here are a few of the things that I would hold significant. When I asked my wife Tammy to marry me she told me she wouldn’t unless we went to church, “what! on my only day […]
It Happened To Me
One moment your sitting in your daughters Tree House nailing away at a board, then suddenly the board you’re sitting on breaks away. I fell head first 35 feet straight down, (which by the way happens quicker than I would have guessed), I did have time to think this is […]
2nd Amendment for Skunks
As a boy I was more than fascinated by Rasputin, a Russian monk who was nearly impossible to kill. Now the stuff of legend, Rasputin fell out of good graces with the Russian Royal family before the 1917 revolution and was encountered by a host of assassins. He was reportedly […]
“The Gift” Repentance
2 Timothy 2:25(NASB) “ with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,” Have you ever considered repentance to be a gift? In John Lynch’s Book, “The Cure” he mentions this verse expressing that repentance is a […]
The Freedom of Forgiveness
I have discovered a God truth that the more I consider it the more I would rank it as second only to salvation in the freedom available at application. Years and Years of deep Bible study have found me here and it is my prayer that all of you would […]
Tribute To My Mom
As this weeks show is a tribute to my mother who went to be with Jesus on July 6th the pictures below were mother’s day gifts to her in the last few years. I would note that my mom was by all means the biggest fan and supporter of both […]
How Did John The Baptist Turn the Hearts of the Father’s To Their Children?
Robby’s Podcast – click here to listen The last verses in the Old Testament speak to this Father’s day theme, preparing to do the Father’s day message at Peace Church in Durham this Sunday I was excited about the significance of this passage in Malachi 4:5-6 “Behold, I will send […]
The Shrek Dream (It has Layers)
As I got the word that my mother would likely die before I would be able to make it to see her in Illinois the emotion that set off in me came as a deep sadness like I had never experienced. By the following Monday my mother was still alive […]
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